Promoting Positive Mental Health within the security industry
"Mental Health Awareness should be available to everyone working the doors!"
"Having worked in the security industry on and off for almost 40 years (in my early 60s now, and still have my DS licence!), I understand how the industry can often be an extremely stressful environment to work in, and yet mental health within the industry is rarely discussed. And so, to help counter that, I am compiling and publishing Positive Mental Health for Door Supervisors, essential reading for anyone working as an SIA licensed door supervisor within the licensed and leisure industry who is interested understanding and developing positive mental health - for themselves and for others."
Robin Barratt
Positive Mental Health for Door Supervisors.
Compiled & Published by Robin Barratt
Publication: Spring 2025
UK & Global distribution.
ISBN: To follow shortly.
A4 Paper copy / Kindle / pdf e-book
Essential reading for anyone working as a door supervisor within the licensed and leisure industry who is interested understanding and developing positive mental health - for themselves and for others.
As of January 2025, there are over 355,000 door supervisor licenses -
a massive readership potential!
Topics will include:
And more ...
It will also contain a directory of charities, groups and associations across the UK offering mental health support.
NOTE: Positive Mental Health for Door Supervisors will also be offered to security and training companies across the UK for their staff at a significantly reduced price.
Security services and training providers across the UK dedicated in providing positive mental health support to its workforce. ONLINE SHORTLY.
A directory of charities, groups and organisations offering mental health and crisis support. ONLINE SHORTLY
Further details will be online shortly. In the meantime please email: or call 07508 833 433 (9am-5pm)
Mental Health Awareness Workshops for Door Supervisors.
I will also be running on-site two-hour Mental Health Awareness for Door Supervisors workshops for security companies across the UK. Further details online shortly.
"The importance of receiving mental health support is the key to helping a person avoid a life of suffering."
If you need help urgently call the NHS on 111, and ask for mental health services, call the Samaritans on 116 123, text SHOUT (a free, confidential and available 24/7) on 85258, or download the Stay Alive app.